Sales & Marketing Funnels

There are many types of Marketing Funnels. They are flexible and can be adapted to achieve the desired goal, depending on the nature of the product or service being promoted.

  • Ads generate AWARENESS
  • People react to it and follow up by showing INTEREST and become “Leads”
  • Leads will think about = CONSIDERATION
  • And at some point will buy = CONVERSION

The marketing funnel is a system that helps track the stages consumers or purchasers travel through to eventually make a buying decision.

It also lets you know what your company needs to do to help influence consumers at each stage, such as follow-up telephone calls or by sending them emails with offers and/or useful information.

Marketing ads generate targeted traffic — the prospective customers or leads — through the funnel using strategies that are designed to be effective at each stage.

  • Funnels start with an ad.
  • An ad can be a banner, a video, a quiz
  • These ads are promoted or distributed all over the internet and/or TV
  • The technique for distribution is based on finding the right targeted audience (market) for the product being offered
  • CLIENTS can be Re-Marketed over and over again because we already captured a way to communicate with them. Usually in the way of an email and (phone numbers in some cases).
  • Most CLIENTS will show LOYALTY whenever they are happy with the products they purchased.
  • A loyal client usually becomes a “referrer” by recommending other people (family and friends) about the product purchased, this triggers an expansion of the business (added value)

Funnels Prices


  • 2 Banner Ads


  • 4 Banner Ads+ 1 Video Ads


  • 6 Banner Ads+ 2 Video Ads

All funnels include:

  • Market audience research

  • Sales pitch creation

  • Landing page creation

  • Retargeting pixel installation
  • Optin forms

  • Auto-responder setup

  • Monitoring & control


  • Prices do not include “paid advertising campaigns to third parties” Examples: Facebook/Instagram. Google, YouTube etc… and paid auto-responder software.
  • The prices stated for AMAZING & PREMIUM could increase according to the complexity of the video desired.
Funnel Map Sample